Short Answer:
It’s generally in your best interest to allow the builder to organise your renovation for you. Let’s look at some of the main reasons to let the builders do what they do best.
Long Answer:
There are many things that can go wrong when renovating your home.
To avoid disasters such as dodgy plumbing and electrical work, mis communication and slow build times it is best to organise a professional builder who deals with his or her tradesman regularly and knows when to have them arrive at the job so the work gets done properly and efficiently.
Disaster #1 – Dodgy Workmanship
A professional builder always works with tried and tested tradesman. In order to avoid major disasters on a construction site a builder is required to test a tradesman and if they prove to be reliable, high skilled and efficient they will continue to work with them on jobs.
The other reason a builders choice of tradesman is worthwhile is that the builder tends to give a tradesman a lot of work and therefore the tradesman will be likely to do a better job and be more reliable because the tradesman has more to lose if they don’t perform. They will be out of a lot of work if they don’t do a good enough job for the builder. Quality control is very important to any professional builder and there are some things only a pro can spot.
Disaster #2 – Mis Communication
When renovating a house good communication should be one of the main focuses by the builder if he is doing his job properly. Communication can be in the form of verbal and nonverbal.
Nonverbal Communication can come in the form of:
Text messages
Verbal communication can come in the form of:
Onsite meetings
Phone conversation
In my experience the nonverbal communication has proved to be most effective.
For example:
A plan has all of the details written down and there isn’t anything to dispute. It is either correct or not unless there is something wrong with the plans
A text message can be traced back to find out what was said rather than always relying on memory
Disaster #3 – Slow build times
A lot of planning goes into a really smoothly run renovation project. Before your renovation even begins you need to decide on many things such as tap ware, vanities, tiled shower base or standard shower base and the list goes on.
It takes quite a lot of planning from the builders end too. When a builder is planning your renovation he will liaise with all tradesmen involved in the process so the tradesmen can come in order and without any long gaps between each trades job to ensure your renovation gets done as quickly as possible.